How to Bible: The Ultimate Guide
The Bible is the Living Word of God; a guide to understanding His creation, and our role within it. Scripture is an important tool for spiritual development, overcoming obstacles, and stepping into the fullness of life. Join us as we dive deeper into God’s Word — the historical context, cultural relevance, and practical application.
Beginning in January, 2022
90-Day Reading Guide
Beginning in the book of Luke and ending in Revelation, this 90-day journey will walk us through the footsteps of Jesus while emphasizing what it means to live according to His truth. Click the button below to download the reading guide for this series:
90-Day New Testament Reading Plan
Week 1:
☐ Luke 1 The births of John the Baptist and Jesus are foretold
☐ Luke 2 The birth and childhood of Jesus (1)
☐ Matthew 1:18–2:23 The birth and childhood of Jesus (2)
☐ John 1:1-18 The miracle of Jesus’ coming
☐ Matthew 3 John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus
☐ Luke 4:1-13 Jesus overcomes the devil’s temptations
☐ Luke 4:14-44 Jesus is rejected by his hometown and begins his ministry
Week 2:
☐ Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples
☐ John 2:1-12 Jesus’ first miracle
☐ Mark 1:21–2:12 A summary of Jesus’ early miracles, showing his power over everything
☐ John 3:1-21 Jesus teaches about the need to be born again
☐ Matthew 5 Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (1)
☐ Matthew 6 Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (2)
☐ Matthew 7 Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (3)
Week 3:
☐ Matthew 10 Jesus sends out his twelve disciples
☐ Matthew 13 Parables about God’s Kingdom
☐ Mark 6:30-56 Jesus demonstrates his power by feeding five thousand and walking on water
☐ John 6:25-70 Jesus, the bread of life
☐ Luke 15 Three parables on God’s love for the lost
☐ Matthew 18:15-35 Jesus’ teaching about forgiveness
☐ Luke 19:1-10; John 4:1-42 Jesus welcomes outsiders
Week 4:
☐ John 11 The raising of Lazarus from the dead and its consequences
☐ Matthew 16:13-28 Jesus predicts his death
☐ Matthew 21 Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and conflicts with the religious leaders
☐ Mark 12:28-34 The greatest commandment
☐ Matthew 24 Jesus teaches about troubles to come and his return at the end of the age
☐ Matthew 25 Jesus teaches about the importance of always being ready for his return
☐ John 13:1-30 Jesus washes his disciples’ feet and predicts his betrayal
Week 5:
☐ Mark 14:12-31 The Last Supper and Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s denial
☐ John 14 Jesus warns the disciples he is leaving but promises that the Holy Spirit will come in his place
☐ John 17 Jesus prays
☐ Mark 14:32-72 Jesus is arrested, and Peter denies knowing him
☐ Matthew 27 Jesus is put on trial, crucified, and buried
☐ Luke 24 The risen Jesus appears to his followers
☐ John 20:19–21:25 More resurrection appearances
Week 6:
☐ Acts 1:1-11 Jesus returns to his Father in heaven; the story of the early church
☐ Acts 2 The coming of the Spirit and the birth of the church
☐ Acts 4 Despite opposition, the church continues to be blessed
☐ Acts 6:8–7:60 The church’s first martyr
☐ Acts 8 The gospel begins to spread
☐ Acts 9:1-31 The conversion of Saul (Paul)
☐ Acts 10 Peter realizes that the gospel is for people of all nations and backgrounds
Week 7:
☐ Acts 12 Peter’s miraculous escape from prison
☐ Acts 15 The apostles and elders affirm that following the Jewish Law is not necessary for salvation
☐ Acts 16:6-40 Paul takes the gospel to Europe
☐ Acts 19 Paul’s preaching provokes severe opposition
☐ Acts 21–22 Paul’s arrest is prophesied and takes place
☐ Acts 27–28 Paul is taken as a prisoner to Rome but still keeps preaching about Jesus Letters from early church leaders
☐ Romans 3:21–4:25 Getting right with God through faith
Week 8:
☐ Romans 5–6 The blessing of being right with God
☐ Romans 8 Life in the Holy Spirit
☐ Romans 14:1–15:13 Learning to accept other Christians who do things differently from us
☐ 1 Corinthians 3 The foolishness of divisions in the church
☐ 1 Corinthians 12 Using God’s gifts for the good of one another in the church
☐ 1 Corinthians 13 The importance of love
☐ 1 Corinthians 15 Teaching about the resurrection
Week 9:
☐ 2 Corinthians 4:1–5:10 God’s treasure in clay jars
☐ 2 Corinthians 8–9 Teaching about generous giving
☐ 2 Corinthians 11:1–12:10 Suffering: the mark of a true servant of Jesus
☐ Galatians 3:1–4:7 Living by the Spirit and not by the Law
☐ Galatians 5 Freedom and fruit
☐ Ephesians 2 Reconciled to God and one another through Christ
☐ Ephesians 4:17–5:20 The importance of living a holy life
Week 10:
☐ Ephesians 6:10-20 Putting on all of God’s armor
☐ Philippians 2:1-18 A call to imitate Christ
☐ Philippians 3:1–4:1 A call to press on in our walk with Jesus
☐ Colossians 1:9-23 The supremacy of Christ
☐ Colossians 3:1–4:6 A call to holy living
☐ 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:24 Living in light of Christ’s return
☐ 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 A challenge not to be idle
Week 11:
☐ 1 Timothy 4 The value of spiritual training
☐ 2 Timothy 1:1–2:13 Encouragements to be faithful
☐ Titus 2:1–3:11 Teaching about godly Christian living
☐ Philemon 1 Paul appeals for mercy on behalf of a runaway slave
☐ Hebrews 4:14–5:10; 7:1–8:2 Jesus, our great High Priest, gives us free access to God
☐ Hebrews 11:1–12:3 Examples of faith that encourage us
☐ James 2:1-13 There is no room for favoritism in the church
Week 12:
☐ James 3 Learning to control our words
☐ 1 Peter 1:3–2:3 Christians should be characterized by hope and holiness
☐ 1 Peter 3:8–4:19 Christians should be ready to suffer for their faith
☐ 2 Peter 3 Teaching about the return of Jesus
☐ 1 John 1:5–2:17 Walking in the light
☐ 1 John 4:7-21 Since we are loved, we should be loving
☐ 2 John 1 Living in truth and love
Week 13:
☐ 3 John 1 A call to stay faithful even in the face of difficulties and opposition
☐ Jude 1 The importance of standing firm in your faith
☐ Revelation 2–3 Jesus both encourages and challenges the church
☐ Revelation 4–5 A vision of heaven
☐ Revelation 19:11–20:15 Jesus’ final victory over evil